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また今後は他の商品も手掛ける予定です。Central Forestにご期待ください。

We deliver the safe and good for health foods.
We use only foods that they are growing up in Nose.
As the first step, we will sell Nose chestnuts produced in 2021 as roasted chestnuts at Nose Road Station(Michino-Eki).

We handle everything processing from chestnut cultivation to roasted it.
By aging, it becomes sweeter and we baked it by the pressure method.
Only the sweetness of chestnuts, no-sugar, no-additives, and no any other preservatives.
Also, inner skin is easy to peel off, so please enjoy it as a handy snack. For home eating, good for as a souvenir of Nose.

We also plan to work on other products in the future. Stay tuned for Central Forest.


將收穫的栗子陳釀,甜區採用壓力法烘烤。 只有栗子的甜味,沒有使用糖、添加劑或任何其他防腐劑。
此外,澀皮也容易剝落,請作為方便的零食享用。 供家庭使用,作為能勢的紀念品。

我們還計劃今後將開發其他產品。 請繼續關注CentralForest。

メディア紹介 Media

●2022年9月13日 NHK『あさイチ』 栗音頭の紹介

●2017年11月11日 NHK大阪『えぇトコ』

●2017年10月13日 関西テレビ『よ~いドン!』

●2016年秋 JAバンク大阪 CM ロケ地