取扱商品 Product

焼き栗 Roasted chestnuts


We use only chestnuts grown in Nose (“Ginyose”, “Otomune”, “Rihei”). We don’t use any additive and preservatives. The pressure method makes it. so easy to peel off the astringent skin. It’s good for for souvenirs of Nose and snacks for children. Since it does not use preservatives, it cannot be stored for a long time. Consume within 3 days after purchase.

我們只使用在能勢生長的(“銀寄”、“乙宗”、“利平”)的栗子。 不使用任何添加劑或防腐劑。 加壓法,非常容易剝去澀皮。合適為能勢的紀念品或為兒童的小吃。 由於不使用防腐劑,因此無法長期保存。 購買後3天內食用。

約200g 680円


美味しいお召し上がり方 How to eat more delicious



Wrap it and heat it lightly in the microwave for about 1 minute. If you like, roaste in an oven toaster for about 2 minutes, you can enjoy the freshly baked flavor.